
Make use of Git

  • [ ] Make your project version controlled by initialising a Git repository in its directory using git init.

  • [ ] Add and commit all your files to the repository using git add . then git commit.

  • [ ] Continue to add and commit changes as your project progresses. Stage the changes in specific files to be committed with git add filename, and add messages to your commits.

    • [ ] Each commit should make one simple change.

    • [ ] No generated files committed.

    • [ ] Commit messages are meaningful, with a ~50 character summary at the top.

    • [ ] Commit messages are in the present tense and imperative.

  • [ ] Develop new features on their own branches, which you can create via git checkout -b branch_name and switch between via git checkout branch_name.

    • [ ] Branches have informative names.

    • [ ] Master branch is kept clean.

    • [ ] Each branch has a single purpose and only changes related to that purpose are made on it.

  • [ ] Once features are complete merge their branches into the master branch by switching to the feature branch and running git merge master.

    • [ ] Merge other’s changes into your work frequently.

    • [ ] When dealing with merge conflicts make sure you fully understand both versions before trying to resolve them.

Contribute to someone else’s project

  • [ ] Clone their project’s repository from GitHub git clone repository_url.

  • [ ] Make and commit changes.

  • [ ] Push your changes to you GitHub version of the project.

  • [ ] Make use of issues to discuss possible changes to a project.

  • [ ] Make pull requests on GitHub to share your work.

    • [ ] Clearly explain the changes you’ve made and why in your pull request.

Make sure that your data is version controlled

  • [ ] If your projects involves data, check whether Git LFS, git-annex, or DataLad fit your needs for version controlling it.

  • [ ] Share data together with your project to help others reproduce your results.