HackMD Template for Shared Notes

This template can be used for shared note-taking and information exchange in HackMD during the book dash events. The access permission can be set so that the notes can be read by everyone and edited by any signed-in users.

# The Turing Way | Book Dash

###### tags: `Templates` `Meeting`

- **Location:** Online/in-person
- **Date:** DD Month YYYY

## Organisers and helpers:#

- Name / Email

- **Resources:**
    - About the book dash:
    - Pre-book dash Q&A session notes:


### Day 1

*time is subjected to change for day 1 based on the location of the event - online/remote*

`15:00 pm` onward: Introductions
`15:30 pm` (tentatively): Idebreaker :wave:
`16:00 pm`: Intro to Turing Way and book dash :books:
`17:00 pm`: Brainstorming your contributions :busts_in_silhouette::speech_balloon:
`18:30 pm`: Dinner Break :yum:
`20:00 pm` (tentatively): :zap:Lightning Talks:zap:

>:zap:Lightning talks:zap:
> We have allocated some time for you to give lightning talks about projects you’re working on or anything else you are excited about, like data visualization, your favourite R package, eccentric keyboards, meditation and wellbeing tips, beer brewing or cross-stitching. Talks should be 3 minutes long and be without the support of slides.

:wave: Icebreaker - Introduce yourself

*Please add your name to this list, but remember that this is a public document, so use a pseudonym if you'd prefer, or just feel free to leave your name off.*

* Name / Institute / Twitter, GitHub

:books: Turing Way and Book Dash
* Intro to Book Dash slides: ```<link to intro slides>```
* Project repository on GitHub: https://github.com/alan-turing-institute/the-turing-way
* Book is hosted online at: https://the-turing-way.netlify.com
* Chat on [Gitter](https://gitter.im/alan-turing-institute/the-turing-way)
* Join the [mailing list and receive newsletter](https://tinyletter.com/TuringWay)
* Follow on Twitter: [turingway](https://twitter.com/turingway)

:question: How you can contribute
**Please read and follow our project [Contributing Guidelines](https://github.com/alan-turing-institute/the-turing-way/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md)!** :sparkles: If you find them confusing, difficult to follow or think that information needs to be added, please let us know! This will help us improve the contributing experience for everyone going forward.

The tl;dr version for easy reference during dashing:
1. Comment on an [existing issue](https://github.com/alan-turing-institute/the-turing-way/issues) or open a new issue referencing your addition.
    * The [issue template](https://github.com/alan-turing-institute/the-turing-way/blob/master/ISSUE_TEMPLATE.md) will automatically be rendered in the comment section of the new issue page, so all you need to do is edit the indicated sections.
    * Add the ```book-dash-<location>``` label in the column on the right.
2. [Fork](https://help.github.com/articles/fork-a-repo) the Turing Way repository to your GitHub profile.
3. Make your changes!
4. Submit a [pull request](https://help.github.com/articles/creating-a-pull-request).
    * Open a pull request as early in your contributing process as possible and add the label [WIP] to the title to designate "work in progress".
    * The [pull request template](https://github.com/alan-turing-institute/the-turing-way/blob/master/.github/PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE.md) will automatically be rendered in the comment section of the new pull request page, so all you need to do is edit the indicated sections.
    * Add the ```book-dash-<location>``` label in the column on the right.
    * As you continue to make changes they will automatically be included in your existing pull request.
    * Change [WIP] to [Ready for review] in the pull request title when you are happy for your contribution to be reviewed and merged. :tada:

**What types of contributions can you make?**
* Check out the list of [open issues](https://github.com/alan-turing-institute/the-turing-way/issues)
* Proofread [existing chapters](https://the-turing-way.netlify.com) (check for typos, grammar, links and so on)
* Add further information to an existing chapter
* Suggest topics for new chapters (particularly if you can write them!)
    * A chapter can be 3 paragraphs in length - what can you write 3 paragraphs on?
    * What skills or tools do you wish you had been taught at the start of your research career?
* Review ```[Ready to review]``` [pull requests](https://github.com/alan-turing-institute/the-turing-way/pulls)
* Contribute to discussion in ```[WIP]``` pull requests and issues
* Submit a case study or your tips and tricks for reproducible research via our [Google submission form](https://goo.gl/forms/akFqZEIy2kxAjfZW2).
* Incorporate case studies into the book
* Checklists
* Restructuring the chapter sections (like the Reproducibility chapter)
* Creative, out of the box ideas!
* Let us know if you are struggling with contributing in any way so that we can improve our Contributing Guidelines!

:bell: Notifications
Click [here](https://github.com/alan-turing-institute/the-turing-way/invitations) to accept your invitation to have write access to *The Turing Way* - this gives you agency to merge your own pull requests (once approved!), review other pull requests, and add labels to issues and pull requests.

:no_bell: Turn off these notifications
You're going to start getting lots of notifications from The Turing Way GitHub repository :scream_cat:

You can control these at the https://github.com/settings/notifications page.

We recommend leaving the "Participating" options checked :white_check_mark: and un-checking the "Watching" boxes so you don't get a million different notifications.

Here's a useful help page: https://help.github.com/en/articles/about-notifications

Octobox is a cool tool for managing your GitHub notifications: https://octobox.io

:busts_in_silhouette::speech_balloon: Your contributions
*Please get into groups of 2 or 3 and have an explore about what you'd like to see in this book, or how you can contribute.* :sparkles: :space_invader: :rocket: :star2:

*List what you are working on below! Include your GitHub username, one sentence description and links to relevant issues and pull requests.*


:memo: Thoughts, questions and notes


### Day 2:

`8:30 am`: Start with a coffee!
`9:00 am`: Intro to the second day of the book dash, idea sharing and group forming :dart:
`9:30 am`: Group working starts
`10:30 am`: Coffee break
`11:00 am`: Group working continues
`12:30 pm`: Lunch
`13:30 pm`: First report outs from each group :loudspeaker:
`14:00 pm`: Group working continues
`16:00 pm` (tentatively): Second report out and celebrate successes :loudspeaker:
`16:30 pm`: Closing remarks and final feedback
`17:00 pm`: close

:dart: Your goals for the book dash
_Share your ideas for contributions during the book dash_


:books: Notes during the book dash
_Take any notes during the book dash here_


:loudspeaker: Report outs

## First Report Out


## Second Report Out


:mag: What did we learn?

There's also an issue for feedback - any comments on what we can do better at future events are appreciated: ```<link to issue>```


:heavy_plus_sign::arrow_up_small: Pluses and deltas

Please add your response on [the HackMD for feedback](./bookdash-feedback.md)
    - You can provide your feedback anonymously, no need to sign in to add comments

## Things to capture in the event report
