Acknowledging Contributors¶
The Turing Way is collaboratively developed by its diverse community of researchers, learners, educators, and other stakeholders. This project can simply not exist without the collaborative nature of this project and the willingness of our community members to work cooperatively to create this book.
Everyone has a skill that is useful for someone, and therefore anyone can contribute to The Turing Way. We value all kinds of contributions in this project and are committed to recognising each of them fairly.

Fig. 17 “That could be a chapter in The Turing Way!” - Kirstie Whitaker, The Turing Way project illustration by Scriberia. Zenodo.¶
We recognise all kinds of contributions that are possible in this project. We update our Contributors Table by appropriately acknowledging our contributors’ work within The Turing Way. Furthermore, we invite every community member to update the Record of Contributions with their personal highlights in The Turing Way and use it for promoting their contributions to open science in general.
In this chapter, we provide details on the following aspects:
who our contributors and community members are
how we create opportunities for a shared ownership of this project
how we can use record of contributions to highlight work of our community members
what the different types and possible pathways for contributions exist in The Turing Way